
Panamation coming to VAC’s Fall Summit. Enter to win a FREE Copy of the software at the door!

Video Assistance Company’s Fall Technology Summit 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Tuesday October 2nd Hampton Inn / ST Louis / I-55 4200 MidAmerica Lane, Saint Louis, Missouri, 63129 636-467-2428 Who Should Attend? Church Studios, Corporate Studios, Cable Access Studios, TV / Radio Stations, Educational Studios, Live Sports Teams – Collegiate / Professional / High School Sports and Performing Arts Centers. Programming types such as television documentary, or multi-camera conferences. What is the Theme? Multi-Camera Recording / Live Streaming using TriCaster NDI 3.5 IP / Workflows and JVC Professional Cameras with Built-in Live Sports Graphics with Social Media Publishing. What will be shown? JVC Professional Connected Cam GYHC900 – Video / Audio from any location Broadcast to Anywhere in the world! A unique communications processing engine that enables recording and low latency streaming, and simultaneous carrier grade Wi-Fi Antennas with decoding for return video and IFB”. JVC GY-HM250U Professional Camera with Built-in Live Sports Graphics and Score Board connectivity. JVC Professional Robotics Cameras for the Smoothest Remote Control views of your House of Worship / Performing Arts Centers. Newtek TriCaster with New Connect Spark Professional.

Panamation @ NAB!


A word from our distributor Eric Pratt with US Broadcast
Party at Tom’s