Product Comparison Table

- Adjustable Drawing tools including arrows, circles, lines and more
- Magnify, lighten, darken tools
- Import and Export images for logo insertion and saving marked up images.
- NDI Input
-1 NDI Output
- Resolutions up to 1080p
Telestrator Pro
- Adjustable Drawing tools including arrows, circles, lines and more
- Magnify, lighten, darken tools
- Import and Export images for logo insertion and saving marked up images.
- NDI Input
-1 NDI Output
- Resolutions up to 4k
-API Controls for vMix, TriCaster, VLC and more
-Paintbox and Telestrator with vector based drawing tools for image modification.
-Create custom animated lower thirds, overlays and full screen graphics
-Import / export images, file sequences and video files for use in third party switchers, editors and graphic tools.
- NDI input
-1 NDI output
-Resolutions up to 1080p
Panamation Pro
-Paintbox and Telestrator with vector based drawing tools for image modification.
-Create custom animated lower thirds, overlays and full screen graphics
-Import / export images, file sequences and video files for use in third party switchers, editors and graphic tools.
- NDI Input
- 8 NDI outputs
- Resolutions up to 4k
- API support for vMix, TriCaster, and VLC for clip control and more!